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Engage Consumers with Digital Marketing

The best way to capture new and returning insurance customers is to engage in a “strong social and digital presence,” according to Tapajyoti Das’ article “How Insurance Companies (and Independent Agents) Can Use Social Data to Better Market Themselves.”

To stay relevant in an increasingly digital world, insurance companies need to make data-driven marketing decisions that will connect them to the always-connected consumer. And these decisions must be agile, direct, and — above all — personal, in order to truly capture the attention they deserve.

Digital technology allows the consumer to have greater decision-making power by researching coverage and company information, reading reviews and insights from fellow consumers, and getting instant answers to questions. In fact, seventy-five percent of consumers “rely on social media as part of their purchase decision,” and thanks to social media, “insurance companies have an unprecedented opportunity to listen to, analyze, and unlock…life events” to determine their target market’s needs.

Read the full article here.